7 Benefits of Body Massage 

Getting an Urban Bliss Wellness body massage feels good, and it does more than simply soothe the muscles – there are some real physiological and psychological changes that happen. The good news is, those benefits are more pronounced when massage is used regularly as a preventative tool, rather than a luxury enjoyed only when you’re feeling stressed or sore. 

1. Relieves Pain 

Massage therapy stimulates the release of endorphins, which are brain chemicals that produce feelings of pleasure and wellbeing. This is because the manipulation of the soft tissue causes the release of these natural painkillers, helping to reduce muscle spasms, reduce inflammation and relieve overall discomfort from aches and pains in the body. 

2. Boosts Immune System 

Studies have shown that massage can help increase the activity of white blood cells and lymphocytes, which are responsible for fighting infection. When the immune system is working properly, it helps the body fight off illnesses such as the common cold, influenza, gastrointestinal infections, allergies and skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. 

3. Improves Sleep 

Aside from the physical and psychological benefits of massage, it also promotes relaxation and thus improves sleep. This is because the calming effect of a massage helps to relieve stress, which can be an insomnia trigger. It also stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls the “rest and digest” response. This is important for a healthy functioning body and mind as it encourages the proper use of food and elimination of waste products. 

4. Decreases Fatigue 

Massage helps to increase circulation, which in turn decreases fatigue and makes it easier for the body to carry out its daily functions and responsibilities. It also helps to remove toxins from the body, which can improve energy levels. 

5. Increases Muscle Flexibility 

The stretching involved in a full body massage can improve flexibility and ease stiffness. This is because tight muscles are held together by connective tissue called fascia. When this tissue becomes too tight, it can cause pain and restrict movement. Massage can also increase the elasticity of these tissues, making them more flexible. 

6. Increases Bone Minerals 

The vascular vasodilation (widening of the blood vessels) produced by massage increases the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body, including the bones. This is because your bones rely on the circulatory system for their supply of

calcium, magnesium and other vital minerals, which they get from the blood. When these minerals are delivered to the bones properly, they support bone strength and health. Massage can also improve the flexibility of joints by breaking down and removing the bond that holds muscles, tendons and ligaments around a joint. 

7. Improves Digestion 

It is believed that a body massage can improve digestion by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system to control the stomach’s’rest and digest’ responses. Research has also shown that massage can reduce the secretion of stress hormones, such as cortisol, and enhance the gastrointestinal tract’s absorption of nutrients. It can also alleviate symptoms of digestive disorders, such as bloating, abdominal cramping and constipation.